(for private or corporate)

A registration code is required before using the sens07app for all users.
Private user: Login or create a private account to use the sens07 app as a standard app to customise your sens07vest.
Corporate user: Enter the activation code you received which will customise the sens07app to the corporate CI and required feature set.
The sens07 app can manage up to 3 very different profiles defining the way how sen07vest is operating. The profile of type "basic" covers the standard need for basic training or leisure dive.
In this example profile 1 is configured as a "basic" profile allowing to configure the depth range of the Safe Zone and the Diving Zone between 0 and 30 meters or more.
Inflation countdown can be set to an initial value between 1 sec. and 4 hours and counts down when being in the Dive Zone.
Returning to the Safe Zone for the specified time will reset the Inflation Countdown to the initial value. This delay protects the Inflation countdown from reset by a short emersion.
The Suspend button allows cave and wrack diver to freeze the Inflation Countdown for a specified time between 1 sec. and 4 hours.
Combat diver can disable the LED Signal under water for this specific profile.
Specify profile name for the main profile list.
Specify profile description for the main profile list.
Save changes before returning to main menu.

Example of exceeding time
Entering into the diving zone launches the inflation countdown. The diver returns to the water surface within time and stays in the safe zone for 1 minute, which resets the inflator countdown.
The next dive exceeds the maximal time and triggers inflation.

Example of exceeding depth
Entering into the diving zone launches the inflation countdown. The diver returns to the water sur-face within time and stays in the safe zone for 1 minute, which resets the inflator countdown.
During the next dive the maximum depth is exceeded which triggers inflation.


Profile setup for "blackout" requires manual confirmation of consciousness after the dive in time specified by the diver.
Profiles are transferred wireless to the sens07vest which works completely autonomously after transfer.
In this example profile 2 is configured as a "blackout protection" profile allowing to configure the depth range of the Safe Zone and the Diving Zone between 0 and 30 meters. The Warning Zone is reserved for special purpose.
Diving Countdown can be set to an initial value between 1 sec. and 4 hours and counts down when being in the Dive Zone.
Blackout Countdown (10 sec. - 10 min.) starts to count down when returning to Safe Zone. Upcoming inflation can only be stopped by pressing the button.
The Suspend button is disabled in this example.
Combat diver can disable the LED Signal under water for this specific profile.
Specify profile name for the main profile list.
Specify profile description for the main profile list.
Save changes before returning to main menu.
Example of blackout protection
Entering into the diving zone launches the inflation countdown starting from 3 minutes.
The Blackout countdown is launched as soon as the diver is back in the safe zone which triggers inflation in case the self-test button is not pressed in time (example 15 seconds).


Holding the sens07 button for 2 sec. will switch to the next pre-configured profile.
The profile number considered in the profile rotating plan is fully customisable by the sens07 app.
Holding the sens07 button for 2 sec. is confirmed by a blink of both light colours, followed by a green blink sequence indicating the profile number (0=OFF).
It is not recommended to switch off the sens07vest by all means. This feature is required for special aircraft application only and doesn't save power.


For special applications, the sens07vest can be inflated on a specified date and time up to 4 months in advance.
Starting Timed Inflation will disable the profiles.
Specified time and date for inflation.
Start data transfer and activate Timed Inflation.
For special applications, the sens07vest can be inflated based on an independent timer.
Starting Timed Inflation will disable the profiles.
Adjust the digits to specify the start of the count down up to 4 months.
Count Down starts on water contact.
Start last profile when taken out of water.
Start data transfer and activate Count Down if not specified differently by the switches above.